Our family has a very unusual genealogical history for Americans and include
Turley, Westover, Danner, Essick lines, most if not all the family branches go back before the Revolutionary War here in the New World.
The Turleys were here before 1705 in Fairfax County, VA - the original Family farm was Dulles Airport some 1784 acres
On the other side of the family
The Danners 1729 - b. Enroute to America whose branches reach back to Damory Castle near Blanding, England
The Essicks before 1758 Adams, PA and Reeves 1665 Surry, VA
Turley-Gordon (my Parents) LaBarr (my Dad's Mother) and (Westover (his Dad's Mother)
If you watch the T.V. show you will notice they pick the most interesting line either due to dead ends or need.
Our Westovers, who arrived before 1664 who are descendants of the Spencers... yes, as is Diana Spencer although the common ancestor is some 18 generations back. Westovers are related to Mortons who arrived in 1623 on the Anne, one of the first if not the 3rd Mayflower like ship. The Mayflower made more than one voyage starting in 1620 but there is evidence that the Mayflower may have been a series of Mayflowers that were designed to be a one way ship. There were no Sawmills and the ships were dismantled for the wood. The Anne and it's Sister ship Little James sailed together and were certainly intended to be used one way for two reasons. They needed the milled wood and dismantling the ship discouraged settles from returning to the Old World.
Passenger list of the Anne includes:
- George and Juliana Morton, and children Nathaniel, John, Ephraim, Patience, and Sarah. George Sr. will
- Thomas Morton, Jr. arrived on the Ship Fortune which may have been a 3rd ship in 1623
- George Jr. who was born in Plymouth in 1624. It is possible or likely that George was born enroute to America on the Anne... if, not shortly after arrival as his father would die within a year.... 50% of Pilgrims died the first year after arrival.
- Nathaniel will go on to be Secretary of the Colony
for complete list of the Anne 1623 passenger go to:
This is where it gets confusing as we can trace the Mortons though the Westover line arriving in 1623 and our Westover immigrant arriving after 1628.
George Morton (b. 1585 England - d,1624 Plymouth)
Immigrant and 11th great-grandfather
Immigrant and 11th great-grandfather
George Morton (1624 - 1686)
son of George Morton
son of George Morton
Richard Morton (1640 - 1710)
son of George Morton
son of George Morton
Richard Morton (1668 - 1691)
son of Richard Morton
son of Richard Morton
Thomas Morton (1690 - 1775)
son of Richard Morton
son of Richard Morton
Rachel Morton (1717 - 1754)
daughter of Thomas Morton
daughter of Thomas Morton
Job Westover (1742 - 1818)
son of Rachel Morton
son of Rachel Morton
Job Westover (1773 - 1838)
son of Job Westover
son of Job Westover
Lorenzo Westover (1814 - 1884)
son of Job Westover
son of Job Westover
Martin Houk Westover (1850 - 1927)
son of Lorenzo Westover
son of Lorenzo Westover
Maud Westover (1874 - 1966)
daughter of Martin Houk Westover
daughter of Martin Houk Westover
Durward Irwin Turley (1903 - 1998)
son of Maud Westover
son of Maud Westover
Robert Durward Turley (1925 - 2016)
son of Durward Irwin Turley
son of Durward Irwin Turley
Our "Round of 4, 16 and 32"
On the Turley side: Turley, Gordon, LaBarr, Westover
- John Turley (b. 1628 in Belfast and Died in Austria 8th great-grandfather
John Turley (b. 1649 in Ireland - d.1715 Stafford, Virginia)
the First Turley immigrant
and 7th great-grandfather
and 7th great-grandfather
Immigrated from Ireland in 1676 some 53 years after the Mayflower but substantually before a great migration of immigrants and before any kind of infrastructure had been established. There was no certainty of a better life. It's likely that because of the religious struggles of the 17th century left a deep sectarian division in Ireland. Religious allegiance now determined the perception in law of loyalty to the Irish King and Parliament. After the passing of the Test Act 1672, and with the victory of the forces of the dual monarchy of William and Mary over the Jacobites, Roman Catholics and nonconforming Protestant Dissenters were barred from sitting as members in the Irish Parliament. Under the emerging Penal Laws, Irish Roman Catholics and Dissenters were increasingly deprived of various and sundry civil rights even to the ownership of hereditary property. Additional regressive punitive legislation followed in years to follow. Turley's and Westovers will frove to be Pioneers in the future.
Paul Turley (1705 - 1772) first Turley
son of John Turley
son of John Turley
Ignatius Turley (1746 - 1813)
son of Paul Turley
son of Paul Turley
Paul Turley (1777 - 1827)
son of Ignatius Turley
son of Ignatius Turley
Ephraim Turley (1801 - 1884)
son of Paul Turley
son of Paul Turley
Eber C. Turley (1843 - 1916)
son of Ephraim Turley
son of Ephraim Turley
Zeno Turley (1870 - 1914)
son of Eber C. Turley
son of Eber C. Turley
Durward Irwin Turley (1903 - 1998)
son of Zeno Turley
son of Zeno Turley
Robert Durward Turley (1925 - 2016)
son of Durward Irwin Turley
son of Durward Irwin Turley
Westover and see Mortons above
It needs to be noted that Westovers and Yeargains apper on both side of the family and are related to each other, As early Pioneers to the Missouri Area opportunity for prospective mates were limited and there are occurances. One double wedding where brother and sister married sister and brother. i.e.
Jonas Westover (b. 1628 Taunton, Somerset, England
-d. 1708 Simsbury, Hartford, Conn. )
8th great-grandfather
8th great-grandfather
"Early genealogical records give Jonas as a boy of 14 years of age arriving in Simsbury, Connecticut, in the year 1654. This would give a birth day of the year 1640. Other dates give some substance to this date. He became a freeman in 1658, he received title to a lot in Simsbury and he was married in 1663 -- he became a freeman at the age of 18, a property owner at 21 and married at age 23."
Jonah Westover (1664 - 1714)
son of Jonas Westover
son of Jonas Westover
John Westover (1711 - 1784)
son of Jonah Westover
son of Jonah Westover
Job Westover (1742 - 1818)
son of John Westover
son of John Westover
Job Westover (1773 - 1838)
son of Job Westover
son of Job Westover
Lorenzo Westover (1814 - 1884)
son of Job Westover
son of Job Westover
Martin Houk Westover (1850 - 1927)
son of Lorenzo Westover
son of Lorenzo Westover
Maud Westover (1874 - 1966)
daughter of Martin Houk Westover
daughter of Martin Houk Westover
Durward Irwin Turley (1903 - 1998)
son of Maud Westover
son of Maud Westover
Robert Durward Turley (1925 - 2016)
son of Durward Irwin Turley
son of Durward Irwin Turley
It needs to be noted that Westovers and Yeargains apper on both side of the family and are related to each other, As early Pioneers to the Missouri Area opportunity for prospective mates were limited and there are occurances. One double wedding where brother and sister married sister and brother. i.e.
Andrew Yeargain Rev
(b.1715 in - 1808)
6th great-grandfather
6th great-grandfather
The Reverand Andrew Yeargan came from Wales about 1735 and settled in Viginia
Jarratt Fletcher Yeargan (1780 - 1820)
son of Andrew Yeargain Rev
son of Andrew Yeargain Rev
Devereux Jarratt Yeargan (1803 - 1861)
son of Jarratt Fletcher Yeargan
son of Jarratt Fletcher Yeargan
Andrew Patterson Yeargan (1826 - 1897)
son of Devereux Jarratt Yeargan
son of Devereux Jarratt Yeargan
Lavinia Yeargan (1850 - 1876)
daughter of Andrew Patterson Yeargan
daughter of Andrew Patterson Yeargan
Zeno Turley (1870 - 1914)
son of Lavinia Yeargan
son of Lavinia Yeargan
Durward Irwin Turley (1903 - 1998)
son of Zeno Turley
son of Zeno Turley
Robert Durward Turley (1925 - 2016)
son of Durward Irwin Turley
son of Durward Irwin Turley
John "The Emigrant" Gordon Col.
(b.1720 in Newry, Ireland - d. 1780 in Richmond, VA)
6th great-grandfather
6th great-grandfather
Immigrated at age 17 but listed as a Barber and Perriwig maker... also it was shown that his Parents were dead and that he was indentured but not to Who. Later listed as a Freeman... so obviously one of the "Irish Slaves" who must have been treated well and was educated. A document written by his son shows excellent handwriting.
Like impoverished people of other nationalities, many emigrated from Ireland to the Americas in the 17th and 18th centuries as indentured servants; a smaller number were forcibly banished into indentured servitude during the period of the English Civil Wars; indentured servants often lived and worked under harsh conditions and were sometimes treated cruelly.
Unlike institutionalized chattel slavery, indentured servitude was neither hereditary nor lifelong; unlike black slaves, white indentured servants had legal rights; unlike black slaves, indentured servants weren't considered property.
A facet of U.S. history largely unfamiliar to Americans themselves is the role of indentured servitude in the survival and growth of the original 13 colonies. The earliest settlers needed laborers, but only wealthy people could afford passage to the New World. This led to a system whereby those who lacked means were brought from Europe under contract to work off their passage, room, and board over a period of two to seven years, until they were considered to have earned their freedom. No fewer than half of the immigrants who came to the New World during the colonial period arrived as indentured servants.
A facet of U.S. history largely unfamiliar to Americans themselves is the role of indentured servitude in the survival and growth of the original 13 colonies. The earliest settlers needed laborers, but only wealthy people could afford passage to the New World. This led to a system whereby those who lacked means were brought from Europe under contract to work off their passage, room, and board over a period of two to seven years, until they were considered to have earned their freedom. No fewer than half of the immigrants who came to the New World during the colonial period arrived as indentured servants.
Among the many thousands of impoverished Europeans brought over in this fashion were men, women, and children from England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and elsewhere, but over the intervening centuries the notion has arisen that the Irish, in particular, were shipped to the New World as “white slaves.” Interesting in the context that his son (or he) would own some 55 or so Jamacian and Creole Slaves
son of John "The Emigrant" Gordon
Alexander J Gordon (1796 - 1869)
son of John Churchill Gordon
son of John Churchill Gordon
John Gordon (1819 - 1884)
son of Alexander J Gordon
son of Alexander J Gordon
Isham Embree Gordon (1840 - 1922)
son of John Gordon
son of John Gordon
John Embree Gordon (1867 - 1952)
son of Isham Embree Gordon
son of Isham Embree Gordon
Edwin Brooks Gordon (1893 - 1967)
son of John Embree Gordon
son of John Embree Gordon
Eileen Marie Gordon (1925 - 1999)
daughter of Edwin Brooks Gordon
daughter of Edwin Brooks Gordon
from the "Turley Family Records"
Paul is Connor's 7th Great Grandfather
FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIAID4. PAUL(1) TURLEY was born about 1705-1710 and died in 1772 in Fairfax County, Virginia. He married before 1730. His wife's name was Sarah, but her maiden name is unknown. He is Connor's 7th great grandfather
One of Bull Run's tributaries is Popes Head Creek, a stream whose strange name, possibly taken from a street name in London, It first appeared in the Northern Neck Grants in 1710. Present-day Fairfax County still lay within the boundaries of Stafford County, and Englishmen were eagerly taking up lands on what was then the frontier. John Waugh received a grant of 2800 acres and Thomas Hooper, 900 acres, in that year, between Popes Head Creek and Johnny Moore Run. In 1728/9, Francis Beavers was granted 400 acres on Popes Head; the next year, Richard Kirtling, Jr. (Kirkland) was granted 290 acres on Popes Head Creek and Bull Run adjacent to Beavers, including a water grist mill standing on Popes Head Creek. These four English grantees, who received their lands from the agent for the Northern Neck Proprietary, were the first owners of record of the land now known as the Town of Clifton and its environs.
In time, these lands were sold to, or inherited by, families named Tyler, Beckwith, Dozer, Pollard, Grant, Turley, Mauzy, Monk, Henderson, Payne, Davis, Wickliffe, and Gibbs. Southeast of present day Clifton, VA. William E. Beckwith bequeathed his land south of the railroad to his former slaves, some of whom were his children. Harriet Harris and the five children she had with William Harris were devised the land where the village of Clifton was initially developed. Harrison G. Otis, a New York realtor, purchased a large tract of land north of the railroad from the Beckwith estate and a small lot of land south of the railroad from William Harris where he constructed a saw mill and train depot. The depot opened in November 1868 and was named Clifton Station. The next year, an official U.S. post office opened at the depot and Otis built the historic Clifton Hotel.[10][11] Harrison Otis and his brother J. Sanford Otis founded the Clifton Presbyterian Church still in existence today.[8] The station no longer exists, but the town of Clifton is still standing along what used to be the O & A Railroad, now a part of the Norfolk Southern Railway.
Clifton's history begins pre-colonially, when the area was used as hunting grounds by the local Dogue Native American tribe. A railroad siding was constructed here during the Civil War, and the area became titled as Deveruex Station. A nearby neighborhood on the outskirts of the Clifton ZIP code has this name. Development of a village at the siding began in 1868 when a railroad depot, named Clifton Station, was constructed.
Unlike most areas in Northern Virginia, the land around Clifton is far less built up than nearby areas, especially to its east and southwest. This was out of the worry that the overdevelopment near the Bull Run and Occoquan River would be environmentally damaging to the Occoquan Reservoir. Consequently, as development edged near the area in the late 1970s and early 1980, an ordinance was enacted stating that only one building could be placed on 5-acre (20,000 m2) parcels that have not already been divided. Today, the southern and eastern portions of the area are heavily forested, with single-family homes, while the northern area became equestrian areas.

The location of Paul Turley's plantation is shown on a survey which was made by an order of the court dated 16 September 1746. His tobacco house and cornfield are also shown on the survey. To the west of Paul, on the other side of Johnnymore Run, Sampson Turley had a plantation. Peter Turley and James Turley had plantations south of Paul. All were on a part of the Northern Neck grant made
to John Waugh in 1710. This grant was subsequently divided into three parts. Sampson and Paul were on the northernmost part which was awarded to John Waugh, son of the patentee. Peter, and probably James, held a lease from William Waugh who received the middle section.
Over 1,000 acres of this grant were owned or leased by Turleys.
James Waugh, husband of Sampson Turley's daughter Henrietta, inherited the lower third of the Waugh grant.
Paul Turley's lease was in effect from 1730 to 1762 when he bought the land of his lease, plus the land of William Berkley's lease, from Thomas and Margaret Monk. John and Thomas Monk had received the land from the will of John Waugh dated 6 November 1742. The deed transferring 450 acres to Paul Turley has not been found. When part of Paul Turley's land was sold in 1777, the details of the acquisition from Monk were recited in the deed.
IGNATIUS 22 TURLEY may have known Thomas G. Danner
He was Connor's 6th Great GrandfatherGenealogists prefer to have documents to support their conclusions. This may work well for those whose ancestors stayed in New England states where records were kept well. In southern states records were not kept as well and many were lost during the wars and fires.
The Turleys were Pioneers. They were among the first to arrive in many places across the nation where record keeping was, at best, haphazard.
It is difficult to determine the birth date for Ignatius. He was not named in the three - lives lease Paul made on 17 OCT 1733. The 1800 census listed Ignatius in the over 45 bracket which would lace his birth before 1755. Court records indicate that Ignatius had an account at the store in 1765 although the account was paid by his father Paul. This would indicate that he was living apart from Paul's family and that he may be father of Helene, the only grandchild named in Paul Turley's will.
As Ignatius was older it is possible that he moved as his mother and brothers moved to his land.
There were other indications that Ignatius was the father of Helene. In his will Paul made provisions for the land left to John and Paul to go to the other, should either of them "die without heir" No such provision was made for Ignatius. Ignatius later contested the will as he was in debt. He may have been forced to sell his land. 110 acres that he and Rachel had inherited was sold to Edward Payne. His mother with brothers John and Paul sold 295 acres just a few years later along with the home on the property raises the question did he sell to distance himself or did was the 110 acres not good farming land. Or was there some family strife?
Ignatius Turley and Rachel Penson, daughter Helene and probably son Aaron moved north to Loudon CO., VA. He leased land from Robert Carter who owned 14,847 acres called the Broad and Sugarland tract. Ignatius had what was called a 20 year purchase on the lot and he was listed in 1782 tax lists under the Carter lease holders. Thus it is possible to place Ignatius living near the present town of Herndon, VA near the Fairfax County line, slightly northeast of the present Dulles Airport. Possibly near the present site of the Sugarland Shopping center.
There is no military record for Ignatius but is hard to imagine that he would not have been involved in the Revolutionary War 1774-1782.
He was listed as was his father Paul and one black tithable in Loudoun county in 1767. He was listed seperatly in 1774 and 1778 and 1782 with no slaves, 2 horses, 2 cows. In 1783 he was listed in Fairfax county with 4 black slaves over 16 and 2 horses.
In 1785 Ignatius moved south and west to Culperrer county and appeared on the tax lists there in 1785 and 1786 with no slaves and one horse. About 1787 he moved to Rockingham county, a rough moutainous and thinly populated area. Listed on Capt. Harrisons tax lists 1788-1791. On 12 JUNE 1788 he had no white males and 4 horses. In 1789 he had 6 horses, 1790 5 horses, 1791 one male above age 16 and 6 horses.
Settlement of this portion of the Colony of Virginia by Europeans began around 1745. Standing between the Tidewater and Piedmont regions to the east in Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley and the area beyond (known in old Virginia as the "Transmountaine") were the Blue Ridge Mountains. Rather than cross such a formidable physical barrier, most early settlers came southerly up the Valley across the Potomac River from Maryland and Pennsylvania. Many followed the Great Wagon Trail, also known as the Valley Pike (U.S. Route 11 in modern times).
He was amember of the Smith Creek Baptist Church and mentioned in the minutes in 1788.
He was listed for the last time in Rockingham county in 1794 with one white tithable over 21 and one white titable over 16.
Sometime before 1800 he moved to Spartenbug county having made some money clearing and working the land for a John Grattan for some time. He bought land near Buffalo Creek, southeast Spartenburg, SC.
Ignatius, Paul, William were listed in the Spartenburg, SC 1800 census
edit - many court records
sometime befor 1805 he returned to Union county, SC. In Sept. 1805 Ignatius bought 310 acres on Padgetts Creek from Joeseph Randal.
A neighbor of the Turley's who were now living in Union county was named Isaac Pearson. He had sons named President and Independance. The Hills and Turleys had also given sons these unusual names. Isaac Pearson had 769 acres on the waters of Enoree River, bound by Garret, Bowker, Thomas G. DANNER, I. Pearson, Jno. Smith, Jonas Randal, Charles Turley, Jno. Beard,.
Soon after the family of Ignatius became scattered. Ignatius and Rachel joined part of the family in Warren County, KY., where 1810 census shows many of the same surnames as were found in Spartenburg, SC.... some are Duckett, Whitten, Casey, Carlisle, Hill, Anderson, Randall, O'Dell, Pope, Wilson, Simms, Ray, Kennedy, Craig, Mays, Hendricks, Young, Meadows, Hammon and PINSON. When the Turleys moved to Warren County, KY., they had friends and family.
In Warren Co the tax rolls show many Turleys betwen 1805 and 1848. Ignatius paid taxes until 1818 but his death is listed as 1813. Like today, once a name is on the tax roll, it is hard to get it removed.
PAUL 3 TURLEY - Paul is Connor's 5th Great Grandfather
moved to Warren county Kentucky in 1805.
then moved to Washington, CO, Missouri about 1818.
Served on the Grand Jury for Washington county, MO.
Not listed in census for 1830.
The children listed here are attached until proof exisits that they were not his children. Census record indicate 5 children but it it confusing as Eber was living with his sister possibly
Date also given as 1827.
From Turley Family Records Book -
90. PAUL^ TURLEY (Ignatius2, Paull) was born about 1777 in Virginia
and probably died between 1827 and 1830 in Washington County,
Missouri. His wife's name is not known.
Paul Turley was married by 1800 when he was listed with his wife
in the census of Spartanburg County, South Carolina.143 By 1805 he
was in Warren County, Kentucky where he was taxed on 200 acres on
Bays Fork. He appeared on tax lists for Warren County through 1814.
Allen County was formed in 1815 and he was on the tax lists of the
new county through 1818.144
In the 1810 census for Warren County, Paul Turley was listed with
two boys and three girls under ten.145 The extra two males 10-16
were probably his two brothers, Jacob and John. The male 16-26 has
not been identified.
Paul Turley served as administrator for the estate of Ignatius
Turley, Sr., in Warren County, Kentucky in 1813 and 1814.146 He
was listed as surety 6 November 1811 for Polly Turley when she
married Arthur Garrison. •'•^'
It is not known whether Paul and his brother Ignatius moved directly
to Washington County, Missouri after they left Allen County.
Family records of the Ignatius^ line mention that they came from
Logan County, Kentucky.148 No records have been found, however, to
prove this statement. then "Judgt. vs. Apellant" was recorded. This is the
last record found for Paul Turley. He was not listed in the 1830
census for Missouri.
There were six Turley entries in the 1830 census of Washington
County, Missouri. Ignatius, Jr., and his sons Aaron and Giles were
one family group. The other three entries, Ephraim, Zadock and H.
Turley, are probably the family of Paul. Usually those of the same
fairly uncommon surname in any of the earlier county records are
kin to each other.
The H. Turley cannot be identified with any male Turley in Washington
County or adjacent counties. H. Turley probably was Helen,
or Helender, Turley who on 21 July 1831 married George Higginbotham,
Another daughter of Paul might be Ruth Turley who married Willis
Fite 10 April 1828 in Washington County. Eber Turley was living
with George and Helen Higginbotham in 1850 and probably was her
brother. This accounts for five children who could be children of
Paul Turley. According to census records there were more, but they
have not been identified.
The lack of primary documentation concerning Paul Turley of Washington
County, Missouri requires that secondary evidences be used
to establish his family. The children given here have not been documented
and are attached to this line until proof is found that
they were not his children.
Children of Paul and ( ) Turley:
403. Ephraim Turley b. 15 March 1801
404. Zadock Turley b. 1805
405. Ruth Turley b. 1810
406. Helen Turley b. 1813
407. Eber Turley b. 1821
403. EPHRAIM^ TURLEY (Paul^, Ignatius2, Paul) ;
Connor's 4th Great Grandfather was as born 15 March 1801 in South Carolinaand died 27 March 1884 in St. Francois County, Missouri.
216 He married (1) 1 October
1826 Gabrella Marquess.
217 They were married by William Crow, Justice of the
Peace, in Merrimac Township of Washington County, Missouri. Ephraim Turley m. (2)
17 March 1859 Mrs. Mary Millsap in Washington County.
In January, 1825, Ephraim and Paul Turley were charged with assault and battery by
the State of Missouri. Paul Turley paid a fine of $5.00 and Ephraim Turley pleaded
not guilty.
Ephraim Turley posted bond of $100.00 and Paul Turley also posted bond
for him, pledging Ephraim would be in court for the trial. The first Monday in January,
1826, a jury heard the case as presented by the circuit attorney for the State
of Missouri and by Shrulds, attorney for Ephraim. The jury found Ephraim not guilty
and ordered the "costs of this prosecuting be paid by the county."
Ephraim and Gabrella Turley were listed in the 1830 census of Washington County,
Missouri with one daughter under five years of age.
He acquired 240 acres of land in the northern part of St. Francois County on Big River, about five miles north and slightly west of Bonne Terre. He bought 200 acres of the 240 acres from the govern-ment land office: Certificate # 6927 - 80 acres - 16 May 1836 - T38N, R4E - Sec. 28
#16258 - 40 acres - 12 Aug 1847 - T38N, R4E - Sec. 32
#26667 - 80 acres - 20 Apr 1855 - T38N, R4E - Sec. 28
In April, 1839, he bought an additional 40 acres in T38N, R4E, Sec. 28 from John and
Mary Williams for $150.00.
Ephraim Turley held this land on Big River until 1881when he sold the 200 acres ii Sec. 28 to William A. Goodin.
Ephraim Turley has not been found in the 1840 census. In 1850 he and his wife were
listed in Washington County, Missouri, although his known property was in St. Francois
County.226 No children were listed in the 1850 census.
After his marriage in 1859 to Mrs. Mary Millsap, he moved to St. Francois County where the 1860 census listed Ephraim and Mary Turley, her two sons James and Richard Millsap, and four Turley sons, Benoni, James, Paul and Eber.^^' A daughter, Margaret,
was listed in the 1870 census. The 1880 census lists the birthplace of Ephraim as South Carolina.
Two previous census records gave Kentucky as the place of birth.
An article in the county history book stated that Ephraim and Gabrella Turley had
nine children. However, their names were not listed and only five children can be
Children of Ephraim and Gabrella (Marquess) Turley:
1273 i. Margaret Turley b. c. 1828
+1274 ii. Benoni Turley b. 22 August 1832
1275 iii. James Turley b. c. 1836
1276 iv. Paul Turley b. c^ 1837
+1277 V. Eber C. Turley b. 6 August 1843
1277. EBER C.5 TURLEY (Ephraim^, Paul^, Ignatius2, Paul^)
Connor's 2nd Great Grandfather was born 6 August 1843 in St. Francois County, Missouri and died there 23 April 1916.' He married (1) Lavinia Yeargan and (2) Margaret Blackwell. Eber C. Turley and Lavinia Yeargan were married 11 April 1867. Lavinia, daughter of Andrew Patterson and Lucinda Ann (Westover) Yeargan, was born 3 October 1850 in St. Francois County, Missouri. She died 31 March 1876 and is buried in the Yeargan Cemetery near Frankclay in St. Francois County.
Eber C. Turley married Margaret Blackwell 11 September 1878.
Eber Turley served as a private in Company C, 3 Missouri Cavalry. He appeared on a
roll of prisoners of war of a detachment of troops of the Confederate States Army who
surrendered at New Orleans, Louisiana, 26 May 1865 and were paroled at Alexandria, Louisiana
on 3 June 1865.
A copy of the document is available
In April 1861, the American Civil War broke out and 13 officers left the Regiment to join the cause of the Confederacy, including future generals Joseph "Fighting Joe" Wheeler, William W. Loring, Dabney H. Maury, William H. Jackson, George B. Crittenden, and John G. Walker. Not a single enlisted man left the regiment.[7]
On 3 August 1861, all mounted regiments of the U.S. Army were classified as "cavalry", and the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen was re-numbered the 3d U.S. Cavalry Regiment, headquartered at Fort Thomas, third in precedence in the Regular Army. At the outbreak of the war, a Confederate force of about 3000 Texans began a campaign at Fort Bliss, Texas to seize the territories of New Mexico and Colorado. The 3d U.S. Cavalry Regiment was one of the few Regular Army units in the region available to oppose them. On 25 July detachments of Companies B and F were involved in a hard fight at Mesilla and joined Company I when it surrendered with Fort Fillmore on 26 July.[6]
The regiment remained in New Mexico fighting hostile Indians as well as Confederate Troops until 1862. In September 1862, the regiment re-deployed to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. In December it relocated to Memphis, Tennessee, where it spent 1863 performing duties for XV Corps, Army of the Tennessee. Between October and December 1863, the 3d Cavalry participated in operations on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad and fought in skirmishes at various locations such as Barton Station, Cane Creek, and Dickinson‘s Station, Alabama. The 3rd Cavalry was tasked by General Sherman to perform various reconnaissance missions as part of his advance guard, including marching to the relief of Knoxville, Tennessee. Elements of the Regiment also were engaged at Murphy, North Carolina and Loudon, Tennessee. In 1864 the regiment relocated to Little Rock, Arkansas, where it remained for the remainder of the war fighting guerrilla forces, and after the war ended, on occupation duty until April 1866, when it was ordered back to New Mexico.[8]
The 3d U.S. Cavalry Regiment‘s losses during the Civil War were two officers and thirty enlisted men who were either killed in action or died of wounds and three officers and 105 enlisted men who died of disease or other non-combat causes.[9]
Eber C. Turley and his brother, Benona, purchased 173 59/100 acres in "Southwest portion
of the Antoine Pratte Confirmation" for $1,384.00. In 1871 they bought 164 acres, also in the Antoine Pratte Confirmation, for $75.00 at a sale at the courthouse. In 1876 they divided the 173 59/100 acre tract. All of this land was in St. Francois County, Missouri. Six years after the division of the tract, Eber C. Turley and his wife sold their half. Eber C. Turley was appointed postmaster at Summit, Missouri, 19 January 1887 and served until 1889. He had a "mercantile business" and dealt in general merchandise and "mineral.
Eber C. Turley lived in St. Louis from 1891-1897. He then moved to the Bonne Terre area where he lived until his death in 1916.
Children of Eber C. and Lavinia (Yeargan) Turley:
+2622 i. Nora A. Turley b. 5 August 1868
+2623 ii. Zeno Turley b. 17 March 1870
+2624 iii. Jeff Turley b. 23 February 1872
+2625 iv. Rose Ann Turley b. 8 March 1876
ZEN0 6 TURLEY (Eber C.5, Ephraim4, Paul^, Ignatius^, Paul^)
Connor's 2nd Great Grandfather was born 17 March 1870 in St. Francois County, Missouri, and died there 8 October 1914. He married 4 January1894 Maud Westover who was born 10 October 1874 and died 5 December 1966.694Children of Zeno and Maud (Westover) Turley:
3961 i. Praise Turley b. 15 October 1894, m. Dan Hunt; Ch: James Hunt; Ella Hunt
+3962 ii. Julia Esther Turley b. 16 February 1896
3963 iii. Lavinea Lee Turley b. 4 August 1897, d. 24 May 1968,
3964 iv. Paul Turley b. 4 May 1900, d. 28 March 1960
3965 V. Durward Irvin Turley b. 25 October 1903, d. 14 JAN 1988
3966 vi. Alice Ann Turley b. 28 February 1906,
3967 vii. Susie Amanda Turley b. 8 October 1908, d. October, 1959,
Interesting notes Turleys and Danners shared a property line in early Virginia. Danners also trace back to Reeves/Rives who bought from the King of England, a Castle Damory near Blanford, Englend Westovers trace back to Spencers of English Royalty
PAUL 1 TURLEY-52 HAD A PLANTATION ON JONNYMORE CREEK. NEAR BROTHER JOHN TURLEY. The earliest TURLEY'S that can be traced to our family are listed in records of FAIRFAX CO., VIRGINA. Land patents 1666-1695 claim land in the Lower James River area. There were Turleys in Maryland before the Turleys in Virginia but it is not known if they are related or not. The first document naming a TURLEY is one that names ANN TURLEY who received 300 acresin a will from JOHN WEST. ANN may have been the daughter of his wife ELIZABETH who may have been married to a TURLEY before JOHN WEST. WEST and the five TURLEYmen including PAUL'S brothers and a nephew were neighbors near HUNTING RUN, near the present site of the Woodrow Wilson bridge. Quite a distance north of the Lower James river where it is documented that four immigrants named TURLEY received land. These immigrants were Jone, Jno., Georg, Fra. Turley. More Turley's were mentioned in the book "The Turley Family Records" which is where this information comes from. It was originally compiled by a Beth Mitchell and others in 1981. The book has a Library of Congress Catalog Card number 80-54409 and the secretary of the association is Ruth T. Collins, 7326 Rebecca Dr., Alexandria, VA. 22307.
We thought the Turley name was Irish but now believe the Turley surname is of English Origin.
1) The Turley Coat of Arms is recorded in Rietstap Armorial General (The Coat of Arms is English) & Turley is a place in Wiltshire, England
2)Turley can be found in the book entitled "Family Names & Their Stories" by S. Baring-Gould, MA. Turley is listed on William the Conqueror's "The Roll of Battle Abbey." Turley derives from Torlai which indicates the Turley surname is of Norman Origin.
3) Turley can be found in the penguin Dictionary of Surnames by Basil Cottle; Turley is Old English in Origin.
4) Turley can be found in "The Battle Abbey Roll with Some account of Norman Lineages by the Dutchess of Cleveland. Again Turley is listed on the Battle Abbey Roll as well as Census records in 1272, 1397 p.406.
5) Turley is also found in a book entitled "My Ancestors Came with the Conqueror" by Anthony J. Camp.
6) There are a number of Turleys that strongly identify with the Irish. However, the books on Irish surnames seem to always link the surname "Turley" with Curley, Terry & the Gaelic name "MacToirdealbaigh." The surnames Curley and Terry are generally associated with Irish provinces with the exeception of the Ulster Province. The surname Turley, as far as Ireland is concerned is associated with Counties Armagh and Down; see the Irish surname book by Mr. MacLysaught. Between 1641 and the early 1800's the Turley surname can be found in small towns between Lisburn (outside of Belfast and Newry County Down; with the largest concentration in Newry. The Turley surname in Ulster can be found in all religious denominations; mostly Church of Ireland, followed by Presbyterian and Roman Catholic. Keep in mind that Protestant does not always = English or Scottish and Roman Catholic does not always = Irish; Roman Catholicism is the second largest denomination in England. Also keep in mind that some of the most prominent individuals opposed to British rule in the American colonies and Ireland were of English Origin. (I'm sure some of you who read this message will immediately point out to me the name of a Turley associated with the IRA in the 1930's. I'm covering the bases.) the Anglican Christ's Church in Lisburn in 1641. Lisburn in County Antrim was one of the first English settlements in Ulster. Source: LDS Records) 6) Most American Turley Genealogies appear to follow the pattern of American genealogies with English and Scotch-Irish origins. (Census Records and published genealogies; eg. Theodore Turley Genealogy, The Compendium of American Genealogy, The Scoth-Irish by Charles Hanna.
7) Today most Turley household are in the United States (Approximately 10,000, Great Britain is second with approximately 2,000, Northern Ireland with 250 and Ireland with less than 100.)