Roundup Connection Turley's
When we first moved to Billings, Montana we were often asked if we were related to the Turley's up at Roundup.
My Grandfather had always said, "If they are a Turley we are related"
I found this not to be as true as we thought.
Family History became a great hobby as a result of this question. Ironically I've not been able the find the direct connection to those Roundup Turley's. There are Northern Wyoming Turleys and Western Montana Turleys related to us but I have never figured out the connection to the Musselshell County / Roundup Turleys to us or them. I found one Turley born in Billings but she was my 6th cousin and doesn't seem to be related to the Roundup Turleys. I have evidence the Montana Turley's immigrated via Canada some 4 or 5 generations ago.
Something unusual about our family and the reason for this blog is the number of immigrants that are Pre-Revolutionary War. I did not realize that most immigrants in most families were less than 3 or 4 generations. Recent politics reaffirms to me that we are all immigrants here in the New World and morally have no right to this land. Simply put, we took it from the Native Americans. You will hear me reference New World Immigrants as this is often the case with our Family. The Graphic below outlines our Grandparents and Great Grandparents
Family History became a great hobby as a result of this question. Ironically I've not been able the find the direct connection to those Roundup Turley's. There are Northern Wyoming Turleys and Western Montana Turleys related to us but I have never figured out the connection to the Musselshell County / Roundup Turleys to us or them. I found one Turley born in Billings but she was my 6th cousin and doesn't seem to be related to the Roundup Turleys. I have evidence the Montana Turley's immigrated via Canada some 4 or 5 generations ago.
Something unusual about our family and the reason for this blog is the number of immigrants that are Pre-Revolutionary War. I did not realize that most immigrants in most families were less than 3 or 4 generations. Recent politics reaffirms to me that we are all immigrants here in the New World and morally have no right to this land. Simply put, we took it from the Native Americans. You will hear me reference New World Immigrants as this is often the case with our Family. The Graphic below outlines our Grandparents and Great Grandparents
Zeno Turley
BIRTH 17 MAR 1870 • St Francois Co,Mo
DEATH 8 OCT 1914 • Jonesboro, AR
My Great Grandfather, I never met. He died when my Grandfather Turley was 11 years old.
Maud Westover
BIRTH 10 OCT 1874 • Missouri
DEATH 5 DECEMBER 1966 • Jonesboro, Craighead, Arkansas, United States
My great Grandmother Maud Westover Turley was born in 1874 and her mother Lavina Yeargain was born in 1854 in or near Irondale, Missouri. Maud is 6 years old in the 1860 Census of Washington County, Town of Irondale, MO.
So it's apparent that the families Westover, Yeargains and Turley's were some of the earliest Pioneers in the southern Missouri area. Kansas City, Missouri was not incorporated until 10 years later and Missouri had only been a State since 1820. The population took a tremendous surge in 1849 due to the Gold Rush out west. Many farmers making their way west took a more reasonable approach and became settlers in Missouri rather than prospectors in California because of the realization of Pioneer Travel and the wonderful farmland to be had. The rapid population growth was facilitated by treaties that extinguished Indian land titles, with settlers attracted by the abundance of high quality inexpensive land, and the easy access provided by the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Turley's established an Indian School just south of Bonne Terre, Missouri and another Cherokee Indian School in what is now the town of Turley that is surrounded by Tulsa, Oklahoma. I have not been able to determine who or how we are related to those Oklahoma Turley's.
This is the area in Missouri were the families farmed as well as mined the Lead near Bonne Terre, MO.
Most of our immediate family now lives in the west even though both of my blended familiy Turley and Danner hail from the St Louis area. We live in Montana that just now in the year 2000 has a population of just over 1 million. Missouri in 1850 had a 174% increase in population from 1840. Even so, Turley's, Westover's and Yeargain's were some of the earliest Pioneers in southern Missouri. Potosi, Bonne Terre, Irondale, Farmington among other towns
The Immigrants:
John I Turley arrived 1676 in Maryland
1649–1715 age
Birth 1649 • Newry, Armagh, Ireland -
side note: I went thru Newry in 2022 but did not stop as I was part of a tour.
Birth BET. 1717-1735 • Brecon, Breconshire, Wales or Selesia, Germany
Birth 1630 • Ireland
Danner, Essick, Durley, Reeves, Ing, Essick, Reeves, McLaughlin, DeZonia
Birth ABT 1738 • Germany
Death ABT 1798 • Guilford, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
5th Great Grandfather
Death 1715 • Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States
7th Great Grandfather
Rev. Andrew Yeargin Sr. arrival uncertain
Yeargain Yeargan Yeargin?
( the family name was originally Prussian and was spelled Jürgen? ) This was my great grandmothers mother's line and I include it because of the interesting history of our families in the Southern Missouri area and because of early immigration. There were three Families who have ties there. Turleys, Westover's and Yeargan's. Birth BET. 1717-1735 • Brecon, Breconshire, Wales or Selesia, Germany
Death 6 JUN 1807 • Greenville, South Carolina, United States
6th Great Grandfather via Eber C. and Lavinia Yeargan Turley
Jonah Westover arrived about 1639
This immigrant's grandson will side with the crown and will be ostracized. The Westover family (his son) later removes to Potosi, Missour. Just one of the reasons for being early Pioneers in Missouri.
Jonas Westover the father arrival best guess is 14 years of age but
Jonas Westover entered America through Massachusetts Bay, as that was the most commonly used entry at that time to the New England area. He had relatives there when he arrived. One relative was Jane Westover who had married 20 November 1647 William Williams. Jane lived in the Simsbury area of Connecticut at the time of Jonas' arrival in Windsor.
Jonas Westover entered America through Massachusetts Bay, as that was the most commonly used entry at that time to the New England area. He had relatives there when he arrived. One relative was Jane Westover who had married 20 November 1647 William Williams. Jane lived in the Simsbury area of Connecticut at the time of Jonas' arrival in Windsor.
1628–1708 age 79
Birth 4 MAY 1628 • Taunton,Somerset,England
Death 15 JAN 1708 • Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut
8th Great Grandfather via Granna Turley (nee Westover)
Note: The name Jonah was carried on with Jonah Michael Granberg
Johann Wilhelm 'William' Labarre arrrival 1754 Philadelphia
Birth MAY 1704 • Alsace-Lorraine, France
Death 6 FEB 1761 • Mount Bethel, Northampton, Pennsylvania
7th Great Grandfather -via Eunice
Col. William Goodgion arrived 1760
unsure about this one as there are Goodjion's on both sides of the family and the spelling is different than any of the numerous versions I've seen for Goodjohn but:
He came to America about 1760. He worked for the King of England for 18 years and was able to accumulate several hundred acres of land in South Carolina and Georgia. He owned a nice brick home in South Carolina which was burned during the Revolutionary War. He was in command of the British troops in the Battle of Augusta and Savannah, Georgia. When the Americans captured these cities and the war ended, his property (about 1800 acres) in Georgia was confiscated. In 1784 he returned to England to try to persuade King George III to reimburse him for his loss. Its not known if he was able to get the King to help him.
He came to America about 1760. He worked for the King of England for 18 years and was able to accumulate several hundred acres of land in South Carolina and Georgia. He owned a nice brick home in South Carolina which was burned during the Revolutionary War. He was in command of the British troops in the Battle of Augusta and Savannah, Georgia. When the Americans captured these cities and the war ended, his property (about 1800 acres) in Georgia was confiscated. In 1784 he returned to England to try to persuade King George III to reimburse him for his loss. Its not known if he was able to get the King to help him.
1736–1790 age 54
Birth 6 SEP 1736 • Saint Michael Paternoster, London, London, England
Death 1790 • Washington, Tennessee, United States
6th Great Grandfather - Axie Goodjine....
John Gordon arrival 1736 Antiqua
Birth 1720 • Sheepbridge, Newry, Ulster, Ireland, United Kingdom
Death 1780 • Richmond, Henrico, Virginia
6th Great Grandfather - Eileen
Edmund Sweney Sr arrival 1656 Virginia
Birth 1630 • Ireland
Death ABT. 1697 • Elizabeth City, Camden, North Carolina
8th Great Grandfather - Eileen
Johann Georg F Deuschle arrival April 30, 1866
Birth 3 JUL 1836 • Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Death 30 NOV 1914 • Clark Township, Cole, Missouri
Great Great Grandfather - Eileen...
Joseph Bond arrival 1750
Birth 8 AUG 1704 • Devizes, Wiltshire, England
Death 1760 • Guilford County, North Carolina
6th Great Grandfather -
Danner, Essick, Durley, Reeves, Ing, Essick, Reeves, McLaughlin, DeZonia

Christian Getzendanner and
Anna Barbara Bruner - arrival 1730 Philadelphia
we visited the Schifferstadt House in Frederick, Maryland
also must mention Jacob Getzendanner who was born to Anna enroute to the New World June 1729
Birth 1691 • Klein,Schifferstadt,Germany
Death 1766 • Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland
5th Great Grandfather
Christoph Essig - arrival 1754 Philadelphia
Birth ABT 1738 • Germany
Death ABT 1798 • Guilford, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
5th Great Grandfather
William Ryves - arrival 1652 Virginia age 16
An Orphan of means possibly as he is a descendant of an English Lord
Birth ABT 1636 • Woodstock,England
Death ABT 1695 • Surry,Virginia
8th Great Grandfather via Danner Reeves
William Durley - arrival 1727 Virginia
Birth 1702 England, probably London
Birth 8 OCT 1624 • Caldecote, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England
Death 1740 probably Virginia
5th Great Grandfather via Danner Durley
Vincent Inge - arrival 1701 Virginia
Birth APR 1681 • 1670006, Leicestershire, England
Death 1750 • St Andrews Parish, St Mary's, Maryland
5th Great Grandfather via Danner Durley
Thomas (James) Reeve - arrival 1638 Mass
note: this has no relation we know of Ryves above that becomes Reeves as well
Birth 8 OCT 1624 • Caldecote, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England
Death 01 DEC 1682 • Southold, Suffolk, New York
9th Great Grandfather via Essick line
John James McGlaughlin - arrival before 1790
Birth 1720 • Isle of Man, Dumfries-shire, Scotland
Death 3 MAR 1802 • Chester, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
4th Great Grandfather via Essick line

THOMAS SHELTON - arrival 1667 Maryland
Included as this is a fun one... descendants are Red Skelton and Maggie
Birth 1606 • England
Death 24 OCT 1683 • Bohemia River, Cecil County, Maryland
9th Great Grandfather via Essick line and Reeves/Lamer
Edward DeZONIA arrival unknown
Birth 1820 • Canada, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
Death ABT 1862 • United States of America
2nd Great Grandfather via Essick and McLaughlin line
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